Californian massage was born in the United States, in California, in the early 70s, during a group psychotherapy session. Subsequently, Margareth Elke, a specialist in so-called Swedish massage, established a whole set of codes to identify Californian massage. And thus imported it in the 80s, in France. Harmonious and fluid movements performed throughout the massage, allow to release emotions and bodily tensions and to fight effectively against stress. The aim is to achieve the "touch of the heart"
Goal: Let go (mental)
"Lomi lomi" is a Hawaiian term meaning "massage", "press" and "knead". Thus this massage is an ancient healing technique, inherited from the Polynesian natives of Hawaii and in particular from traditional master healers. The latter transmit this practice from generation to generation in order to touch the mind, respect and attention connecting the heart, body and soul to the source of life. This massage has the virtues of allowing a refocusing, of returning to oneself because the treatment facilitates letting go.
Goal: Harmonization of the body and mind (energizes)
This massage comes to us from the United States. Appeared in the 1960s. It focuses on the deep layers of muscles and fascia. Allows muscle relaxation through pressure points. It uses several methods such as neuromuscular techniques that link the nervous system to the locomotor system. Myofascial release focuses on tissue stretching, trigger points exert deep pressure on contraction areas and cross fibers are frictions that reduce muscle adhesions.
Goal: Muscular